One Of Us Runs….

Are you always looking for inspiration and why is it important?

I just took a run around Burnage in Manchester. It’s a grey day, it looks like it will rain. I’ll be honest, I’m not finding much inspiration at the moment with the state of the world but I still look for it. I find it in my son, he doesn’t realise what is happening. I’ve also found it in nature, most recently repetitive trips to the ancient woodland I grew up next to but more of that later. It’s school holidays, my son is singing at me as I try to concentrate writing on this. We’re going to do something together after.

Recently we did a quick bit of creating. I’d borrowed a medium format camera from creative legend Joe Hartley for a shoot and also just to test it out. It’s been a long time since I used a medium format and I’m so pleased with the results. The quality is incredible and it gives that texture that you just can’t create on the computer. I will need to save for a medium format camera, we don’t have spare money right now. Does anyone have spare money?

So our exercise was to find 5 things around the house, arrange them and we would take a photo with the medium format. We go around the house, one of us runs. I gather 5 things and may son gathers 7. I have to stop myself saying that I’d asked for 5. I started to mention about how he could arrange his items and where he could put them. I stopped myself again.

My choice of objects, April 2024

My Son’s objects, April 2024

I really enjoyed his freedom and I checked my wanting to control the outcome. There’s an interest in both but it’s something I will try to take with me in the future. In trying new things, in not having to totally follow parameters, something new and interesting can come. Try it. I’d love to see how you think around the idea. We’re all different and that’s the beauty. Also inspiration often comes not just in the final outcome but in the acts surrounding it and often when we least expect it.

In my run I found I was drawn to a derelict building that used to be so beautiful. Over time it’s had rocks thrown at it, windows have broken and doors have been opened as people have a look inside to see if there’s anything in it. Even though it’s sad to see, it’s life I guess, a reflection of the times. There’s something to be learnt from it all. Time goes on, like the ancient woodland.

More soon.

Keep Going ~


Photoshoot with Sophie Condliffe


January Pilgrimage to the Whythenshaw Cactus House